Monday 30 May 2016

grammar - Is saying 「XはYは…」 acceptable?

In いっすんぼうし, a very popular fairy tale, this line appears:

だいじんは からだは ちいさいけれど げんきな
いっすんぼうしを たいそう きにいり
じぶんの いえで はたらかせることにしました。

Is 「だいじんは からだは」 grammatically correct? What would be done to make this more correct?


The sequence 体は小さいけれど元気な serves as an adjectival block which modifies [一寸法師]{いっすんぼうし}. 体は小さいけれど元気な一寸法師 is object of the verb 気に入り, in turn. [大臣]{だいじん}(は) is its subject. So, the whole sentence has kind of a nested structure, and the two は belong to different levels respectively.

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