Saturday 28 May 2016

halacha - What if the tafel comes to hand first?

Although there are varying opinions among the acharonim, the common practice is that only one b'racha rishona is said before eating a mixture of two items that normally require different b'rachos, where the mixture is such that each spoonful or forkful will include both items. (Sources: Rabbi Yisroel Pinchos Bodner, The Halachos of Brochos, chapter 4, section C; Rabbi Binyomin Forst, The Laws of B'rachos, chapter 7, section Ⅰ.A.)

Suppose one's about to eat such a mixture, takes a spoonful, is about to say the b'racha required, and notices that his spoonful happens to contain only food items whose normal b'racha is not the mixture's. What should he do?

To clarify, I'll pick a specific example, though my question is about the general case. Suppose someone's about to eat a mixture of very small pieces of pineapple (haadama) and apple (haetz). He takes a spoonful and is about to say the haetz required (because, for whatever reason, the apple is considered primary in this case), but realizes his spoon has only pineapple on it. What should he do?

  • Say haetz on the spoonful even though it's pineapple? (Seems odd, but I seem to recall hearing that when a primary food's b'racha covers a secondary food, the latter is deemed by some to become a food that actually requires the former's b'racha. In that case, perhaps here one says haetz on the pineapple even if eaten alone first.)

  • Say haadama on the spoonful and haetz on the next spoonful (if it contains apple)? (Seems odd also, but it would seem the ideal according to the acharonim, alluded to above, who don't hold only one b'racha is made on the mixture. Note that my question includes the case in which the primary ingredient requires haadama and the other requires haetz (the reverse of the example I gave), which may affect the appropriateness of this option.)

  • Put the spoonful back and take another that contains apple so he can say haetz? (Seems like it should be valid, but I wonder whether it's required.)

  • Something else?

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