Saturday 21 May 2016

numbers - Meaning of "1部2万"


speaker talking about his trivial job of writing feedback for literature aimed at elementary schoolers, how many is 1部2万 exactly?


This 1部2万で means 1部につき2万円で or "for 20,000 yen per article". (Replace "yen" with an appropriate currency unit if this is not a story in Japan.) 部 is a counter for articles, documents, booklets, etc.

In general, this is a pattern to express "X per Y".

  • 1日1回 once a day

  • 1時間9本 9 trains per hour

  • 1人5分 5 minutes per person (e.g. a contestant)

  • 1枚15秒で in 15 seconds per sheet

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