Tuesday 31 May 2016

halacha - Is age a disqualification for Shechita?

Does advanced age disqualify a Shochet from being able to preform the ritual slaughter? If so what is the cut off age?

Related question: What's the youngest that a shochet could be? (lower age limit)


Strictly speaking, there is no upper age limit, though some have the custom to impose an across-the-board limit of age 70 (perhaps to kindly retire certain aged shochtim who won't admit to their waning stamina, and who cannot be forced out due to political considerations). On the Nirbater Rav's list of policies for the Meal Mart company under his hashgacha, it states that one may not perform shechitah or bedikah (checking for tereifos) after reaching age 70, in accordance with the ruling of the Satmar Rebbe (R' Yoel) zt"l.

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