Sunday 29 May 2016

parshanut torah comment - Looking for Shadal Al HaTorah

I am looking for Shadal's commentary on the Torah. is it available for free online? If not does anyone know where it can be purchased the cheapest?


Shadal has two commentaries on Torah:

  • a shorter one called Mishtadel

  • a longer one, with two printings. One of these printings is a censored text, which leaves out e.g. some of Shadal's citations of gentile scholars. This one is available online in plain text. The other of these printings is the full uncensored version and is available on Google Books (but might then only be accessible if you are in the United States).

  • there is also Ohev Ger, which is Shadal's supercommentary on Targum Onkelos, where he tries to establish the correct text.

On parshablog, I have, parsha by parsha, links to a variety of meforshim. For example, here is Bereishit Sources. For Bereishit:

I will give links here to the full commentary for the other four Chumashim. For the rest, you can modify the url yourself, or scroll in the book, or else search parshablog for the Source Roundup for that particular parasha.

Uncensored full commentary for:

  1. Bereishit

  2. Shemot

  3. Vayikra

  4. Bemidbar

  5. Devarim

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For example, if I say マイクロソフト内のパートナーシップは強いです, is the 内 here read as うち or ない? Answer 「内」 in the form: 「Proper Noun + 内」 is always read 「ない...