Sunday 1 May 2016

halacha - Connecting sides of tallit to avoid chiyuv tzitzit

If I have a coat that is slit up the side rov of the way up so that it is chayav in tzitzit, if I sew on some buttons (snap? regular?) to keep it closed below rov, is it no longer chayav in tzitzit, or do I need to properly sew it closed? Sources always appreciated.


A case of sewing the corners does not exempt you from tzitzis because we assume 'if he didn't want the corner, he should have cut it and thrown it away'. Rather, he is planning on undoing them at some point and the corners are still considered a significant part of the garment. (SA OC 10:3 and MB)

We see (at least) 2 halachos:

  • Any closure that you are planning (alternatively- is formed in a way that one would plan) on undoing it in the future is not a significant closure.

  • Any closure that you are not planning (alternatively- is not formed in a way that one would plan) on undoing it in the future is a significant closure.

Based on the above, it would seem that snap would not exempt. Sewing would, since there is no logic of 'if he didn't want the corner...' (Also, note the Biur Halacha there who says that you don't apply the above "if he..." if that is the normal manufacturing method.

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