Tuesday 10 May 2016

halacha - Can one make a siyum mesechta if it was learned in English translation?

If someone has some trouble with Aramaic and learned parts of a mesechta in English translation (for example with an Artscroll Gemara), can he still make a siyum?


I'm not a Rav so please confirm the following with your local orthodox rabbi.

The following is from Kof-K.

Horav Chaim Pinchus Sheinberg Shlita is of the opinion that a person who went through the mesechta with an English translation may make a siyum. However, the person who is using the English has to be actually working on understanding the Gemorah and not just reading the words like a book. For a person who needs the English, working through the entire Gemorah in English, is a very big simcha.18

Sources: 18 Horav Yisroel Belsky Shlita agreed to this. If one said he would finish a certain mesechta and it is coming close to the time he said he was going to finish, he may read the words without going into the meaning so deeply (Shraga Hameir 8:5). Refer to Yoma Tova L’rabanan 8:5:footnotes 9-20 if one may make a siyum if he finished the mesechta by listening to Torah tapes or a shiur. Refer to Vayivorech Dovid 2:177

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