Tuesday 19 July 2016

tefilla - Is B'rich Shmei said while the Torah sits in the Aron, or as it's held (by whom?)

  • Sing "vayhi binsoa" as the Aron is opened by -- let's call him Mr. Opener

  • Brich Shmei is said

  • Chazan is now holding Torah scroll and says Shema (or Gadlu).

I've seen different things happen for Brich Shmei:

  1. Torah sits in Aron the entire time, chazan receives it afterwards from Opener.

  2. Torah is taken out and held by Opener immediately, then handed off to chazan after Brich Shmei

  3. Torah is taken out and immediately handed to chazan, who holds it for Brich Shmei.

Any practices I missed? Are any of these documented as proper?

I suspect this has something to do with the source for Brich Shmei altogether. Rabbi Artscroll says when we're taking out the Torah is an ideal time for beseeching Hashem (if I recall correctly), probably something kabbalistic.

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