Thursday 21 July 2016

purim torah in jest - Why does a Hamentash have three sides?

All Hamentashen that I've seen have three sides and all Hamentashen have filling.

Why is that?


Hamentashen comes from the words "Haman Tish" -- the Table of Haman in Yiddish.

Therefore, since there were three people by Haman's party they needed a three sided table (both Haman and Achashveirosh considered themselves to be the most important people in Persia and wouldn't want to sit with Esther).

The Hamentash represents the Table on which they (Haman,Esther and Achashveirosh) sat and the filling represents the food which they ate. (From where the custom to give a "last meal" came).

What food do royalty eat?


But there's an argument over what kind of Caviar did they eat, red caviar or black caviar.

So that's why there are two kinds of filling - poppy (representing black caviar) and jelly (representing red caviar).

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