Tuesday 19 July 2016

halacha - Which way to face when davening at the Kotel

It seems that at the Kotel, the general practice is to daven directly facing the wall. (Speaking from experience.)

However, i thought we were supposed to face the kodesh hakodashim, which has a "handy" dome as a landmark. From the Kotel plaza, that's actually to the left of the Wall.

Should one follow the general custom and face the Wall, or face the site of the kodesh hakodashim?

(Side note: Could people be facing the Wall because of a misconception that it's the top holy site?)


The second rosh yeshiva in my yeshiva, R' Dovid Stefansky, told me he had asked this question to his rosh yeshiva, Rav Shach, while pointing out that the correct direction would seem to be diagonally left.

Rav Shach answered sarcastically: Go ahead and face that way, if it pleases you so much to be different from everyone else!

Recognizing the Western Wall Plaza as a synagogue where people pray in the wrong direction, some hold that you should turn only your face towards Kodesh Hakodoshim (Mishnah Berurah 94:10), because an individual is prohibited from praying in a different direction than the rest of the congregation (Aruch Hashulchan 94,13). However, other hold that you may pray to the east at your discretion (Machatzis Hashekel 94,3).

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