Sunday 24 July 2016

grammar - How to use こと when expressing the experience of something?


How can i talk about the experience of something using こと? 買うことがdきます。 would this be the experience of being able to buy?

If you understand my problem please show me more examples!


I think I vaguely know what you're trying to find out. You should be looking for:

  • ~ことがある

It literally means something like "to have (the experience of) ~"


Present: 走ることがある - "There are times that (I) run"

Past: 走ったことがある - "There was a time when (I) ran"


Present: 高いことがある - "There are times when (something) is expensive"

Past: 高かったことがある - "There was a time when (something) was expensive"


Present: 静かなことがある - "There are times when (something) is quiet"

Past: 静かだったことがある - "There was a time when (something) was quiet"

Note that ~ことがある is structurally ambiguous between being an appositive clause and a relative clause.

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