Monday 25 July 2016

organic chemistry - Nomenclature of alkoxy and halo groups


How will this compound be named? Both, methoxy and chloro are given equal preference, since they are prefix functional groups. The answer given in the book is 2-chloro-1-methoxyethane, but why is it not 1-chloro-2-methoxyethane, as the C of chlorine comes before M in the alphabetical order?


Your name, 1-chloro-2-methoxyethane, is correct.

Here is a link to the relevant page of the 1993 edition of the IUPAC Blue Book - Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry, which is published online by ACD Labs with permission of IUPAC.

Here are some example ethers and sulfides from that page, and we see a similar case to yours:

example IUPAC ether nomenclature

There is no difference in preference or priority between halo and alkoxy substituents (or any of the other prefix only substituents). Thus, in a case where there are two such groups and assignment of locants generates the same combination either way, you choose to assign the lower locant number to the alphabetically first.

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