Tuesday 19 July 2016

physical chemistry - Stern-Volmer plot and calculation of rate constant for quenching

I did an experiment irradiating benzophenone in UV light and worked out the rate constant for the reaction. Then I repeated the experiment using various concentrations of a quencher and worked out their respective rate constants. Now I need to calculate the rate constant for quenching $k_\mathrm{q}$ using a Stern-Volmer plot. How would I do this?

The equation I have used before for the Stern-Volmer relationship is:

$$\frac{1}{I_\mathrm{f}} = \frac{1}{I_\mathrm{abs}}\left(1 + \frac{k_\mathrm{q}[\ce{Q}]}{k_\mathrm{lum}}\right)$$

where the x-axis is $[\ce{Q}]$, the concentration of the quencher, and the y-axis is $1/I_\mathrm{f}$, and to work out $k_\mathrm{q}$ you calculate the gradient/y-intercept = $k_\mathrm{q}/k_\mathrm{lum}$.

I think I would plot a graph of concentration of quencher $[\ce{Q}]$ on the $x$-axis against 1/rate constant on the y axis. But how would I work out $k_\mathrm{q}$?

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