Saturday 23 July 2016

grammar - Difference between たくさん and いっぱい?

I understand that both translate as meaning 'a large quantity' of something, but is there any practical difference between たくさん and いっぱい, and circumstances where you would or wouldn't use one over the other? Or is it similar to the difference between 'lots' and 'many' in English?


たくさん and いっぱい can mean "many" "a lot", and they can be used interchangeably in some cases (especially when used adverbially), e.g.:

  • たくさん勉強しました。
    I studied a lot.

  • 私の家には本がたくさんあります。
    There're a lot of books in my house.

When used in this sense, いっぱい sounds more colloquial than たくさん.

And, 「たくさん + noun」(a lot of~~) sounds okay to me, e.g. 「たくさんの木/木々」 "a lot of trees" / 「たくさんの雪が降った。」 "We had a lot of snow.", but 「いっぱい + noun」 sounds a bit unnatural, e.g. ?「いっぱいの木/木々」 / ?「いっぱいの雪が降った。」. 「木がいっぱい…」「いっぱい木が…」「いっぱい雪が降った。」「雪がいっぱい降った。」 sound more natural. (You'd use 「いっぱい~」 like 「人いっぱいの部屋」 "a room full of people")

たくさん and いっぱい have other meanings, and cannot be used interchangeably in some cases, e.g.:

  • お腹がいっぱいです。(×お腹がたくさんです)
    I am full.

  • 風呂の水がいっぱいになった。(×風呂の水がたくさんになった)
    The bathtub is filled with water.

  • 店内は人でいっぱいです。(×店内は人でたくさんです)
    The store is full of people.

  • 千円もあればたくさんです。(≂じゅうぶんです)(×千円もあればいっぱいです)
    1,000 yen will do/suffice.

  • 君のバカ話はもうたくさんだ!(×もういっぱいだ)
    I've had enough of / I'm fed up with your silly chatter.

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