Friday, 1 July 2016

tefilla - How do Karaites pray?

How do Karaites pray? If the text of the Amidah originated in the mishnaic period, do Karaites recognize it? If not, what do they daven?


I am a Karaite Jew, born and raised in an Egyptian Karaite Jewish family. I attend Congregation B'nai Israel, the only Karaite synagogue in the United States. I co-authored a primer on Karaite Judaism (As it is Written) and I run a blog on Karaite Judaism ( I consider myself Jewish. I consider myself Jewish before considering myself a Karaite. I have even taught Hebrew school at a conservative Rabbanite synagogue.

I bear no animosity towards Rabbanites, as you can see from my compliments to the faith and devotion of Rabbanites (see my post here). In fact, I believe that Karaites have a lot to learn from Rabbanites.

I think there are some great answers to this question, but to confirm, Karaites do not pray the Amidah. As far as what our prayers look like:

1) Karaites preserve the traditional practice of full prostration. 2) The prayer is a series of responsive readings/singing in Hebrew. 3) The service is led by a hazzan, but some portions are recited aloud by individual members of the community (even women). (Karaites don't have a prohibition against kol issha). 4) Interestingly, we have a prayer/song that is virtually identical to your Ayn K'Elohenu. But ours includes "K'Goaleinu" in addition to kelohenu, kadonenu, kemalkenu, kemoshi`enu.

I am happy to answer any questions, and I promise not to "spam" this board with Karaite topics/questions. I am only responding to some of the thoughts/comments here.

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