Wednesday 21 October 2015

talmud gemara - Missing father's obligations on sons (Kiddushin 29)

According to the Mishna in Kiddushin 29, backed by the Braitah (in place), father's Mitzvos (definition not clear) upon his son(s) are only the follows:

  1. Circumcise

  2. Redeem the firstborn

  3. Teach Torah

  4. Marry him off

  5. Teach him a profession

  6. (some say) Teach him to swim.

This list seems to lack a couple of important obligations discussed elsewhere, such as Chinuch for Mitzvos (see Mishnah in Succah about one's obligation to provide his sons with 4 Minim and a Succah) or Reciting the Aggadah (mentioned numerous times in Torah and Rambam's explicit Mitzvah) or Maintaining a healthy lifestyle (Rambam's Yilchot Deot). There are also monetary obligations, such as Takkanat Ushah.

  1. Can you think of additional Mitzvos missing?

  2. What can be a reason for such a partial list?

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