Monday 19 October 2015

minhag - Removing Yarmulka last when undressing (source)

I have noticed that some people remove their Yarmulka last when undressing and wear it first when dressing.

Is this custom mentioned anywhere?


Shaalos U'Tshuvos Minchas Yitzchak 4:60, Ben Ish Chai Parshas Vayishlach 1:17, Halichos Shlomo 13:26, mention putting on the Yarmulke first when finishing to bathe. Halichos Shlomo also mentions leaving on the Yarmulke until all the clothing is removed.

צרוך ללבוש הכיפה בראשונה מיד כשבא למקומו לפני כל מלבישיו ולסלקו מראשו לאחר גמר פשיטת כל מלבושיו

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