Wednesday 21 October 2015

parsing - * "The Japanese language does not have words that function as adjectives in a syntactic sense"

This (titular) assertion is questionable, so I'm (1) putting it in quotes, and (2) placing an asterisk in front of it.

The following page starts with this assertion, which I had not heard before :

The Japanese language does not have words that function as adjectives in a syntactic sense – that is to say that tree diagrams of Japanese sentences can be constructed without employing adjective phrases. [citation needed]

Nevertheless, there are words that function as adjectives in a semantic sense.

[citation needed] ! ! !

Is this a commonly heard notion?

For example :

  • 立派で赤い花

  • 背が高く赤い花が立派なこの植物の名前を教えてください。

It's not obvious how Parse Trees of these strings (above) would be any different from Parse Trees of English strings of similar meanings.

–- that is to say, a tree diagram (or a parse tree) of the latter Japanese string (the sentence) seems like it would be a great example to illustrate [adjective phrases] in Japanese.

This Jp wikipedia page doesn't have anything on it: Wikipedia 形容詞

Any ideas?

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