Thursday, 29 October 2015

physical chemistry - What does it mean for a reaction to favor the reactants/products?

(This example is purely hypothetical.)

You have the reaction HX2(g)+OX2(g)HX2OX2(g)

at T=500 K. The reaction reaches equilibrium at the following concentrations:

[HX2]=[OX2]=5×103 mol dm3

[HX2OX2]=4×105 mol dm3

This gives Kc=([HX2OX2][HX2][OX2])=1.6

However, the total concentration of the reactants is 250 times higher than the concentration of the product.

Still, as Kc>1, per definition, the products are favored.

This seems counterintuitive to me, and my Chemistry teacher couldn't really explain it to me, so I was hoping someone here could explain why, even when the reactants are so much more plentiful, the products are considered to be favored.

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