Thursday 29 October 2015

grammar - Does a list using と end with が?

Asking this other question has reminded me of another confusion I often have, one of my long standing bad habits that you'd think I'd have sorted after all this time in Japan.

I'm never quite sure how to end a list of two or more things. So, I want to say "I like apples and oranges."

Saying it this way seems weird, because of having and together. It just feels weird in my mouth.


This next option also feels weird, though, because it's like saying, "apples and oranges and like".


Which is right? Or are both wrong?

Does it make a difference if there's more than two items?



The most usual way is to attach と to all alternatives except for the last one:


(Unrelated note: “papaya” is usually パパイヤ rather than パパヤ in Japanese.)

Attaching と to all alternatives including the last one is acceptable.


I heard that in older days, と was always attached to all alternatives, but I do not have anything to back up this claim.

The following are ungrammatical.


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