Wednesday 21 October 2015

halacha - Mezuzah on deck door

The mezuzah is supposed to be placed on the right side of the entrance when going into the house. Yet I have seen a number of people who place the mezuzah of their door going to the deck in the back of their house on the right side of the exit leaving the house. Since the deck does not have a roof it is not considered a room and therefore should not require a mezuzah going into it. Only the house is required to have a mezuzah so shouldn't the mezuzah be on the right side going in?


If the deck is enclosed, meaning that it doesn’t serve as an alternative entrance to the house, then the mezuzah should be placed on the right of the door as one leaves onto the deck. If the deck serves as an alternative entrance into the house, the mezuzah should be placed on the right side coming into the house.

Sources: See Taz, Yoreh De’ah 289:4; Chazon Ish 169:2; the common custom is as mentioned in the answer, following the ruling of the Chazon Ish only when the deck (balcony) serves as an entrance.


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