Friday 23 October 2015

talmud gemara - Rashi on Berachos 33b "al kan tzipor yagiu rachamecha"

In Brachos 33b, the mishna says: "One who says [in his tefilla -Rashi], 'Your [God's] mercy reaches the birds nest'... shut him up."

Rashi says on that: אנשים שהיו מראים עצמם כמתכונים להעמיק בלשון תחנונים ואומרים רחום וחנון אתה ועל קן צפור יגיעו רחמיך, שאמרת לשלח את האם

My best translation is: People who would display themselves as if they were having kavanah (intention) to delve deeply into the language of tachanunim (supplications) and they would say...

My questions are: 1- Is my translation accurate? and 2- What does it mean that people would "display themselves as if"? Were they really not having this intent? Were they showing off?

[The gemara says about this part of the mishna as follows: "...why do we silence one who says "Your mercy is upon a bird's nest"? Answer #1 (R. Yosi bar Avin or R. Yosi bar Zvida): This arouses jealousy among the creations; Answer #2 (The other of R. Yosi bar Avin and R. Yosi bar Zvida): He says that the Mitzvos are due to Hashem's mercy. This is wrong. They are decrees (to publicize that Yisrael are His servants).]

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