Thursday 29 October 2015

number - Chamisha Veshiv'im?

Who knows seventy-five?

Please cite/link your sources, if possible. At some point in the next few days, I will:

  • Upvote all interesting answers.

  • Accept the best answer.

  • Go on to the next number.


Depending on your count, seventy-five are the tractates of the Mishna (63) plus the minor tractates:

  1. Avos D'Rabi Nasan (counting as separate from Avos)

  2. Sofrim

  3. Semachos

  4. Kallah, Kallah Rabsi (counting as one)

  5. Derech Eretz Rabba and Zuta, the latter including Perek HaShalom

  6. Sefer Torah

  7. Mezuzah

  8. Tefillin

  9. Tzitzis

  10. Avadaim

  11. Geirim

  12. Kusim

Seventy-five was Avraham's age (then "Avram") when he left for Israel. Though this was not the first move in his life; it appears his father had initiated a move and hadn't completed it.

להם ("to them") has Gematria 75, and it appears more often in Tanach than all other 75-words combined.

Every book of Tanach (counting the Twelve individually) contains at least one 75-word, except for Nachum.

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