Friday 30 October 2015

parshanut torah comment - Where is the source for assigning a pasuk to each year since creation?

I remember having been told that there are those who assign each of the 5845 pesukim in the Torah to each year since creation. This is from memory as I have not found the reference yet. Would anyone have a reference that talks about this?

Thanks to @Loewian who found Missing Pesukim which gives counts. However I found some places in this post where a 1 is shown as an 8 (108 vs 101 for Tetzaveh and 118 vs 111 for Vayikra) based on what is printed at the end of the parsha in Art Scroll.

UPDATE I finally managed to go through the Art Scroll Chumash with the Parsha counts. However, the totals at the end of the Chumash for each sefer do not match up with the totals calculated from the list at the end of each Parsha or from counting the verses printed, as follows: Shmos has 1207 or 1210 depending how you count between Ta'amei elyon and ta'amei tachton of Aseres Hadibros (10 vs 13) in Yisro. Vayikra differs because of Tzav (96 vs 97). Devorim totals 953 or 956 depending how you count between Ta'amei elyon and ta'amei tachton of Aseres Hadibros (10 vs 13) in Vaeschanan where taamei tachton in Artscroll starts at 5:6 and ends at 5:18 for a count of 13 (as it has in Yisro). The mesorah count at the end of Vaeschanan says 118 while the printed count shows 7+49+30+25+11 = 122 for a difference of 4. The ta'amei tachton accounts for the three of the difference. The other parshios match the physical count and the individual parsha mesorah count exactly according to the Art Scroll Chumash. The book totals below though are still off.

Double AA points out: In another answer I show that the correct mesorah note in old manuscripts for Vaeschanan is 119 which solves the issue in that parsha, but the book total issue remains for Artscroll. However, in Mechon Mamre's edition based on the old manuscripts, Yisro has only 74 verses and Vaeschanan has only 121 verse (counting both with taamei tachton, unlike how the individual parsha mesorah does) which gives the correct traditional book totals below of 1209 and 955. So the individual parsha mesorah uses the taamei elyon while the book total uses the taamei tachton, and there are no issues remaining when we use the manuscript versions.

Torah Facts says that they got the following numbers from the mesorah. This matches the numbers shown at the end of the Art Scroll Chumash for book totals, but does not match the number of verses they print if you count them.

Bereishis - 1534

Shmos - 1209

Vayikra - 859

Bamidbar - 1288

Devorim - 955

Total - 5845

As an example, I estimated (by subtracting) that the current year is about Haazinu 32:24

מְזֵי רָעָב וּלְחֻמֵי רֶשֶׁף וְקֶטֶב מְרִירִי וְשֶׁן בְּהֵמֹת אֲשַׁלַּח בָּם עִם חֲמַת זֹחֲלֵי עָפָר:

They will sprout hair from famine, attacked by demons, excised by Meriri. I will incite the teeth of livestock upon them, with the venom of creatures that slither in the dust.

Vayelech would begin the year 5682 (1922), which would make 1940 about 31:18

וְאָנֹכִי הַסְתֵּר אַסְתִּיר פָּנַי בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא עַל כָּל הָרָעָה אֲשֶׁר עָשָׂה כִּי פָנָה אֶל אֱלֹהִים אֲחֵרִים:

And I will hide My face on that day, because of all the evil they have committed, when they turned to other deities.

The flood (1656) would have been pasuk 122 in Shmos of the 124 pesukim counted at the end of the parsha which would make it 5:22

וַיָּשָׁב משֶׁה אֶל יְהֹוָה וַיֹּאמַר אֲדֹנָי לָמָה הֲרֵעֹתָה לָעָם הַזֶּה לָמָּה זֶּה שְׁלַחְתָּנִי:

So Moses returned to the Lord and said, "O Lord! Why have You harmed this people? Why have You sent me?

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