Saturday 10 October 2015

halacha - Excluding water from blessing after food

One common scenario is for someone to make a berakha on water at some point in the morning and to drink the water throughout the day. Suppose during the day, the person decides to have a snack whose berakha achrona is borei nefashot. While eating the snack, he continues to drink the water. After completing his snack, he wants to make a berakha achrona; however, he still wants to continue to drink water. Assume for the purpose of this question that throughout the entire process he is staying in one place (for example at his desk at work). Should he...

  • make a borei nefashot and have in mind not to include the water? Then perhaps he'd be able to continue drinking without a new berakha (and would make another borei nefashot after he was done?).

  • make a borei nefashot and then make a new shehakol before drinking more water?

  • delay his berakha achrona until he has completed drinking his water?

  • do something else?

Would the answer be different if--instead of a snack that requires borei nefashot--he had a meal with bread and would be making birkat hamazon?

This question is similar to this one; the difference is that in this case the person is staying in one place rather than going somewhere else.

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