Saturday, 26 November 2016

word choice - What are the differences between 帰る and 戻る?

Can you give an example of when 帰る should be used instead of 戻る, and vice versa?

The reason I ask is that I sometimes get corrected when using the two, such as in:

× そのとき私は日本から戻ってきて、大学に戻って入りました。 (ignore the other problems with this ☺)
○ そのとき私は日本から帰ってきて、大学に戻りました


Examples would be

  • 仕事に戻る。(go back to work from appointment or something)

  • 家に帰る。(go back to home, (when there is no plan in mind to go back to same place for today))

  • 財布忘れたので家に一旦戻る。(Forgot the wallet and go back to home once (need to go back same route again))

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

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