Sunday, 20 November 2016

halacha - Nature of restrictions on passing during niddah

I was taught before I got married that passing during niddah is strictly Assur. However, Upon looking into it I found that it's not mentioned in the gemara in berachos that is the source for most of our Harchokos. It seems Rashi was the first to be makpid on it. I believe the Rambam makes no mention of it.

I have heard two reasons why it's assur to pass: You may touch her. Passing leads to closeness.

I would like to know:

A) The earliest sources for it

B) Is it Halacha? Minhag? Chumrah?

C) Are there any circumstances where it doesn't apply?

P.S.- Some of you might say "C'mon passing is the easiest Halacha to keep." I find that it's one of the most "annoying" to keep as it is constantly coming up. Especially in public or when eating a shabbos meal out.

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