Saturday, 19 November 2016

wedding - What's the order of importance of Honorees under a Chuppa?

Under a Chupah, a Baal Simcha (in today's times) has a number of Honors (כיבודים) to give out. Here's a list of them (possibly not complete):

  1. מסדר קידושין

  2. 2 עדים (witnesses)

  3. קריאת כתובה (reading of the Kesubah)

  4. First 2 ברכות

  5. 3rd ברכה

  6. 4th ברכה

  7. 5th ברכה

  8. 6th ברכה

  9. Last Bracha

My question is, what is the correct order of importance* of these positions? In other words, sort the above 9 items in order of which should be given to the most important person.

* By "importance" I specifically mean in terms of how much of an honor it's considered to give it to someone.

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