Tuesday 29 November 2016

translation - What does 鏡越し mean in this sentence?

I encountered the word 「鏡越し」 while I'm reading a web novel, titled 『とある殉教者の訃報』by 鼠色猫/長月達平

Here is the full sentence.


I googled 「鏡越し」 and still I couldn't find the meaning of this word. The closet meaning I got when I used google translate was "Glanced up from glasses" and I don't think it is the right translation for this sentence. How should it be translated? Thank you in advance for your help.


Sounds like "through the looking glass" or "through the mirror". (Which I think may refers to an alternate world/universe/timeline used as a metaphor to illustrate what the present time might have been under different circumstances)

Unless if it happens that in the setting of the story the mirror is a plot device for actually going into an alternate world or communicating to the alternate world (or going/communicating to somewhere else within the same world) then it's not a metaphor.

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