Sunday 20 November 2016

blessing - Touching the forearm when putting on Tefilin

If one has touched his forearm while placing the arm-Tefilin (I see that it's a very common case), is he obligated to wash his hands immediately, as he has to say a Beracha on the head-Tefilin? If so, how can he make a pause between placing the Tefilins?


I've asked this question one rav posek (Rav Ehuda Gantz, from Ramot Dalet, Jerusalem).

He told me that in order to make any broha (on the head-Tefilin in our case) it is enough to clean the hands on the clothes (מידי דמנקי). After finishing putting the head-Tefilin one can wash his hands before the praying, without any problems of pausing between arm- and head-Tefilin.

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