Monday, 28 November 2016

separability - Fast/efficient way to decompose separable integer 2D filter coefficients

I would like to be able to quickly determine whether a given 2D kernel of integer coefficients is separable into two 1D kernels with integer coefficients. E.g.

 2   3   2
4 6 4
2 3 2

is separable into

 2   3   2



The actual test for separability seems to be fairly straightforward using integer arithmetic, but the decomposition into 1D filters with integer coefficients is proving to be a more difficult problem. The difficulty seems to lie in the fact that ratios between rows or columns may be non-integer (rational fractions), e.g. in the above example we have ratios of 2, 1/2, 3/2 and 2/3.

I don't really want to use a heavy duty approach like SVD because (a) it's relatively computationally expensive for my needs and (b) it still doesn't necessarily help to determine integer coefficients.

Any ideas ?


Coefficients may be positive, negative or zero, and there may be pathological cases where the sum of either or both 1D vectors is zero, e.g.

-1   2  -1
0 0 0
1 -2 1

is separable into

 1  -2   1




I have taken @Phonon's answer and modified it somewhat so that it uses the GCD approach on just the top row and left column, rather than on row/column sums. This seems to handle pathological cases a little better. It can still fail if the top row or left column are all zeroes, but these cases can be checked for prior to applying this method.

function [X, Y, valid] = separate(M)    % separate 2D kernel M into X and Y vectors 
X = M(1, :); % init X = top row of M
Y = M(:, 1); % init Y = left column of M

nx = numel(X); % nx = no of columns in M
ny = numel(Y); % ny = no of rows in M
gx = X(1); % gx = GCD of top row
for i = 2:nx
gx = gcd(gx, X(i));
gy = Y(1); % gy = GCD of left column
for i = 2:ny
gy = gcd(gy, Y(i));

X = X / gx; % scale X by GCD of X
Y = Y / gy; % scale Y by GCD of Y
scale = M(1, 1) / (X(1) * Y(1)); % calculate scale factor
X = X * scale; % apply scale factor to X
valid = all(all((M == Y * X))); % result valid if we get back our original M

Many thanks to @Phonon and @Jason R for the original ideas for this.

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