Saturday 5 November 2016

minhag - Moving Sefer Torah with Tallis (source?)

Often times, when someone will move a Sefer Torah from one place to another, on top of what the Sefer Torah is already normally covered with, he will put an additional covering of a Tallis-Gadol. Where does this minhag come from? What is the reason for it?


Tzedaka U'Mishpot 16:2 note 3 indictaes that he has been unable to find a source for this Minhag.

וראיתי נוהגים כשמוליכים ס״ת ביחיד עוטפין אותו בטלית ולא מצאתי עדיין מקור לזה.‏

I have seen people who wrap the Sefer Torah in a Tallis when they take it from place to place; I have not yet found the source for this custom.

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