If Klal Yisrael would all die, ch"v, then would Edom become obligated in Tora uMitzvot because of Yibbum? (because Jacob's/Israel's brother is Esav, Edom.) Or would chalitzah happen because no other nation is able to serve God like we are (cf. midrash about the Edomites and Ishmaelites rejecting the tora (and thereby rejecting God) because stealing and sexual immorality are forbidden)? When the Torah was given, and the Children of Israel were under the mountain (tachat hahar), Aruch Hashulchan and others compare Har Sinai being above us to being like a chuppah, and that kabbalat hatorah is like marriage. Obviously, generations of the Children of Israel have died out, but they had offspring. But if there is no offspring, then what? (Tangentially, it is a bit interesting because although Hashem is our Parent, He is also our Spouse. A bit incestuous if you ask me. Also, Edomite theology (if you say it equates Christianity) already says that God rejected Israel.)
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