Friday 15 July 2016

halacha - Blessing on Immersing Vessels to Purify Them

A Mikvah can be used to purify humans or certain vessels which have contracted ritual impurity (Rambam Mikvaot 1 (English)).

When humans use the Mikvah to purify themselves they recite a blessing (Rambam Berachot 11:6 (English)).

Is there any recorded blessing to be said when immersing vessels to purify* them? What authorities support saying such a blessing and what authorities oppose saying such a blessing? What are their respective reasons? What is the text of the blessing?

Let's assume the vessels are being immersed in order to be used in a purified state, such as for eating sacrificial meat in the Temple.

* Note I am not referring to immersing food vessels purchased from a non-Jew as that immersion is not a purity-related concern (Rambam Maachalot Asurot 17:5 (English)).

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