Tuesday 14 April 2015

halacha - Yachid blowing shofar during Elul

During the first few days of Elul, I will be away in a city with no minyan. I have a shofar, but was wondering whether a yachid blows a shofar if possible.

On the one hand, the reasoning exists, but perhaps the minhag is similar to the primordial shofar blowing which was public (in the machane).

Since writing this question, I was able to access a Shearim Metzuyanim who quotes shu"t Tzitz Eliezer that Elul Shofar is only b'tzibur for "multiple reasons". Because of my circumstance, I was unable to get the Mare Makom. This question is still open for anyone who can access the reasons or share a different approach.


Per the Shaalos U'tshuvos Tzitz Eliezer Chelek 12 Siman 48 the whole Takana of blowing Shofar was only when it is done Btzibur. He gives 2 reasons.

1: The reason we blow Shofar starting Rosh Chodesh Elul, is since when Moshe Rabeinu went up on the mountain on Rosh Chodesh Elul the Posuk says "He'eviru Shofar B'Machane" - and Machane means B'tzibur and not B'Yochud.

2: The Posuk says "Im Yitoka Shofar B'Ir V'hoam Lo Yecherodu" and B'Ir means Btzibur and not B'Yochud.

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