Sunday 26 April 2015

kashrut kosher - Can Sefardim eat meat in the homes of Ashkenazim?

In light of the details found in answers to this question, which suggest that neither Chassidish nor glatt nor non-glatt Ashkenazi meat is halachically acceptable for Sefardim, would there be any leniency for a Sefardi to eat meat in the home of an Ashkenazi? Presumably, the Ashkenazi would not be serving Beit Yosef meat, since--according to details in the first link above--that meat would not be kosher for the Ashkenazi himself (at least if he held to the glatt standard, and possibly also if he did not).*

Are there any kashrus standards for meat that would certainly be acceptable to both Ashkenazim and Sefardim in the stricter (i.e., ~glatt-eating) groups?

(*I've encountered both opinions on whether both glatt and non-glatt Ashkenazim may eat beit yosef meat. CYLOR if it applies to you)


Rav Ovadiah Yosef (Yabiah Omer 5; YD 3) relies on the heter of R' Shmuel Abohav (D'var Shmuel ch.320). He says that if you do not actually know if the piece of meat you are eating is "chalak" or not, (of course you know the hechsher is definitely not "chalak" but that doesn't matter here) then you can eat it at an Ashkenazi home; especially if it is a seudas mitzvah.

Ashkenazi meat processors do not remove the better meat and throw it out! They just allow for the lenient meat to be included in the food offered. Therefore, no one knows if this steak from the package is from an extra smooth lunged cow or from one where the Ashkenazi Rabbi allowed for certain innocent lung issues that a Sefardi would not accept.

So it becomes a doubt of a doubt. The halachic term for this is a s'fek s'feka; or double doubt.

1) Maybe this piece is from a Sefardi type accepted cow?

2) Maybe the halachah is actually lenient like the Ashkenazim say it is!

The only way to make this case a problem would be if the Ashkenazi host tells the Sefardi: "I slaughtered this cow myself and saw in the lung certain issues that the Beis Yosef forbids but we Ashkenazim eat all day."

However, if its just a random piece of Ashkenazi meat in a package, then it falls under the double doubt system.

Due to this double doubt, R' Ovadiah Yosef allows Sefardim to eat meat at the home of Ashkenazim.

I hope this helps. :)

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