Friday 24 April 2015

halacha - Does one need a sukkah to eat bread/mezonot at work

If one goes to work on the days of Chol HaMoed Sukkot, is he deemed to be travelling and exempt from the sukkah? If there is no sukkah that he can reach from work on his lunch break, may he eat bread or mezonot for lunch, or should he bring salads during those days?

On a related note, if one is actually exempt, is there still merit in avoiding mezonot and eating foods which do not require a sukkah?

I wouldn't have thought he was considered to be travelling, but in "Shacharis Tips of the Unemployed", Gil Student indicates that commuting to work counts as travelling for purposes of praying shacharit before netz hachama. Just because one is deemed to be travelling for shacharit doesn't mean he is deemed to be travelling for sukkah, but it did raise the question.

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