Wednesday 22 April 2015

particles - Ending sentences with "、と。"

I've seen sentences ending with "、と。" many times in some particular texts. Here are some examples:

Example 1 (source: 嫌われる勇気 by 岸見一郎)

青年 先生は「すべての悩みは対人関係の悩みである」とおっしゃる。裏を返せば、われわれの幸福もまた、対人関係のなかにあるのだ、と。しかしわたしには、このあたりがまだ納得できません。

Example 2 (source: niwasaburoo supplementary notes on tense)


I assume it's a shorthand for something like "と思う" or "と言う". Is that right?

The comma before the と also seems to be applied pretty consistently. Is that an important part of the grammar form?

Does this usage correspond to a particular speaking/writing style? Does it have some particular nuance? Any other important things to note?


It's quotative-と, but used after the corresponding verb because the quoted part was added as an afterthought. You can rephrase them like:



The comma before と is technically optional. But an author often does this intentionally to make the text look more dramatic by splitting a sentence into two. In such cases, a comma is a good way to add slight emotion to the second sentence.

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