Thursday 23 April 2015

halacha - Are both witnesses and the verbal "Harei At" declaration required elements of the Chuppa ceremony?

A doctor was interrupted in the middle of his own chuppah because someone in the audience had an emergency that required the doctor's help. The emergency occured at the point where the groom was holding the ring and about to place it on the bride's finger, but the witnesses weren't yet called up. Just prior to leaving the chuppah, he quickly placed the ring on the bride's finger, but did not recite the "harei at ..." declaration. Is he halachically married or does he have to repeat the chuppah?


I am not a rabbi. That being said:

If he's at the chuppah, then the "harei at..." is probably not necessary, since both the groom and the bride obviously agree to the marriage.

However, the witnesses are absolutely required. If they did not see the groom put the ring on the bride's finger, then the marriage is not valid. If there are others (unrelated to both parties) watching, but they were not designated as witnesses, it may be valid.

In all cases, the ceremony should probably be repeated with a new ring (or other item of value). Furthermore, the remaining part of the wedding is also required, viz. the Sheva Berachos and the yichud room.

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