Wednesday 29 April 2015

grammar - What is the difference between と, たら and 時【とき】?

First, I came across this sentence using と in a way I've never encountered before.


My translation: When/As Pinocchio tells lies his nose becomes longer.

After a little research and based on the context of the sentence I figured this use of と must mean 'when' or 'as' as opposed to the 'and' meaning but then I started wondering what the difference is between this 'when' and the 時【とき】 'when' and the たら 'when' in terms of usage.


They could all be translated to 'when' in English but:

AとB in this case indicates that A first happens, then immediately after B happens. This is the case in your example!

たら can have more uncertainty in it, i.e. it can be used to express sentences where you'd use 'if' in English.

I think of とき as 'the time when' or 'everytime when'.

Just offering my two cents here. I am still learning too!:) I'm not good enough to provide the lengthy grammatical replies you usually get on this site, so sorry if it's a bit short. Anyway, at this level I find shorter answers more helpful. Hope you agree:)

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