Tuesday 7 April 2015

grammar - Proportion and Rate

How do I form a sentence pattern for:

The more/less X happens, the more/less Y happens

E.g. The more you stir, the faster the salt dissolves.

The colder the weather, the more time it takes for snow to melt.


There are also several other grammar patterns that express "as one thing changes (grows/increases/decreases/etc.) another thing changes with it" (the key is that both things are changing).

  1. 名詞 (noun)

  2. 動詞の辞書形 (verb in dictionary form)

  3. する動詞の名詞 (the noun of a suru-verb)

  • (2 or 3) + につれて (cannot express volition or intention, but the rest can).

    • アニメが[流行]{≪はや≫}るにつれて、日本語を学ぶ人が増えてきています。→ As anime is becoming more popular, the number of people learning Japanese is growing.

  • (2 or 3) + にしたがって

    • 警察の調べが進むにしたがって、次々と新しい疑問点が出てきた。→ The-more/As the police investigation progressed, new questions kept arising (one after another).

  • (1 or 2) + に伴って【ともなって】

    • 病気の回復に伴って、少しずつ働く時間を伸ばしていくつもりだ。→ As I continue to recover from my illness, little-by-little I intend to work longer (and longer) hours.

  • (1 or 2) + とともに

    • 技術の拡大とともに、手紙を書くことが衰えていくでしょう。→ As technology continues to expand, writing letters (by hand) will surely decline.

These used to be JLPT 2級 patterns, but since they changed it to the new N1-N5 system, I don't know which level they are anymore.

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readings - Appending 内 to a company name is read ない or うち?

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