Tuesday 20 December 2016

mysticism kabbalah - What is the source for Pardes?

What is the source for expounding the torah according to remez, derush and sod (along with 'pshat' the group can be referred to by the acronym PaRDeS)?

These forms of hermeneutics are not found in the list of Rabbi Yishmael on the 13 ways to expound the torah, nor do they have a logical basis.

definition and examples of each


Hacham Ovadia in Yechave Da'at 4:47 quotes Morenu Harav Haim Vital (1543-1620) who speaks about this concept in Sha'ar Hagilgulim (Hakdama 11) and in his introduction to Sha'ar Hamitzvot. He seems to get it from the Zohar Parashat Balak (202a) which says:

והיה כעץ שתול על פלגי מים, מה אילן זה יש בו שרשים ויש בו ענפים ויש בו עלים ויש בו פרחים ויש בו מוח וכו', כך התורה יש בה פשוטי המקראות, דרשות הפסוקים, רמזי החכמה על ידי גימטריאות ונוטריקון, וסודות נעלמים וכו‏

So, it seems, the oldest and primary source for PaRDe"S explanation is the Zohar.

(Disclaimer: I have not seen/looked into any of the primary sources inside other than the excerpt above. I only quote Hacham Ovadia.)

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