Tuesday 27 December 2016

inorganic chemistry - Hydrolysis products of chlorides of group 15

$\ce{NCl3}$ on hydrolysis produces $\ce{NH4OH}$ and $\ce{HOCl}$.

$\ce{PCl_3}$ when hydrolyzed produces $\ce{P(OH)3}$ i.e. $\ce{H3PO3}$.

$\ce{AsCl_3}$ when hydrolyzed produces $\ce{As(OH)3}$.

However when $\ce{SbCl3}$ or $\ce{BiCl3}$ are hydrolyzed they produce $\ce{SbOCl}$ and $\ce{BiOCl}$ respectively.

Why are the products so widely varying ? How can we explain the reactions theoretically ?


  1. Nitrogen trichloride

Nitrogen trichloride is quite unstable and hydrolyse easily:

$$\ce{NCl3 + 3 H2O → NH3 + 3 HOCl~~~~~~~~(1)}$$

$$\ce{NH3 + H2O -> NH4OH~~~~~~~(2)}$$

$$\ce{NCl3 + 4H2O -> NH4OH + HOCl~~~~~~~(1) +(2)}$$

  1. Phosphorus trichloride

$$\ce{PCl3 + 3H2O → H3PO3 + 3HCl}$$

  1. Arsenic trichloride

$$\ce{AsCl3 + 3 H2O → As(OH)3 + 3 HCl~~~~~~~~(1)}$$

This is the first and main reaction of hydrolysis of arsenic chloride to form arsenous acid. But other species (arsenite ions) like $\ce{[AsO(OH)2]−}$ and $\ce{[AsO2(OH)]^2−}$ also exist in solution and are the conjugated bases.

$$\ce{AsCl3 + 4H2O ⇄ H[As(OH)4] + 3HCl~~~~~~~(2)}$$

$$\ce{AsCl3 + 2H2O ⇄ HAsO2 + 3HCl~~~~~~~~~(3)}$$

And at last aresnic trichloride fully hydrolyse to form arsenic(III) oxide

$$\ce{2AsCl3 + 3H2O → As2O3 + 6HCl~~~~~~~~~~(4)}$$

  1. Antimony trichloride

$$\ce{SbCl3 + H2O → SbOCl + 2HCl~~~~~~~~(1)}$$

With more water it forms $\ce{Sb4O5Cl2}$ which on heating to 460° forms $\ce{Sb8O11Cl2}$.

$$\ce{SbCl3 + H2O ⇄ Sb(OH)Cl2 + HCl~~~~~~~(2)}$$

$$\ce{4SbCl3 + 5H2O ->[50 C] Sb4O5Cl2 + 10HCl~~~~~~~(3)}$$

Final reaction to form antimony trioxide.

$$\ce{2SbCl3 + 3H2O ->[\Delta] Sb2O3 + 6HCl~~~~~~~~~~(4)}$$

Note that speculation on the composition of antimony oxychloride has been raised. Some say it is a mixture of antimony trioxide and antimony trichloride.

  1. Bismuth tricloride

$$\ce{BiCl3 + H2O -> BiOCl + 2HCl~~~~~~~~(1)}$$

Main reaction to form bismuth oxychloride. Further hydrolysis yield and intermediate monohydrate $\ce{BiCl3.H2O}$.

$$\ce{BiCl3 + H2O(vap) ->[50 C] BiCl3.H2O~~~~~~~~(2)}$$

$$\ce{$$BiCl3 + 2H2O → Bi(OH)2Cl + 2HCl~~~~~~~~~(3)}$$


Now, you may been be wondering that hydrolysis of nitrogen and phosphorus yield one product but that of arsenic, antimony and bismuth yield 3 or 4 products. This is because of presence of vacant d or f orbitals where electrons can reside easily. For this reason, $\ce{Sb^3+, Bi^3+}$ solvate in aqueous solution to form antimonyl or bismuthyl ($\ce{SbO+, BiO+}$) and other species like $\ce{[Bi6O4(OH)4]^6+, [Bi6(OH)12]^6+ , [Bi(H2O)9]^3+}$ and similar antimony ions. Other factors also play role like relativistic effects, lanthanoid contraction, inert pair effect etc.

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