Wednesday 28 December 2016

halacha - Washing Hands post Funeral

What is the proper way to wash after a Funeral or a visit to the Cemetery?


The Shulchan Aruch O.C. 4:18 brings a mixed list of things that require "washing". Some require water for Ruach Raa, others for cleanliness preceding davening, etc. The S.A. there brings an opinion to wash after walking among the dead (a cemetery).

The Mishna Berura there (39) says that the only area that absolutely requires 3x/hand is when one wakes up, but that some are strict by cemeteries (and tashmish and perhaps bathrooms).

I don't know of any source that requires a cup except by morning tefila and bread.

So while everyone is waiting for the single cup, I walk to the faucet and alternate my hands 3x each under the water.

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