Thursday 29 December 2016

history - XX century Aliyah, State of Israel, and righteousness of the Jews

(please excuse if the title does not capture the question. Feel free to edit)

On the one hand, during the first half of the XX century, a significant number of Jews returned to the land of Israel (something it seems to be called Aliyah). Then, immediately after the WWII, the State of Israel is created.

On the other hand, it is a constant theme throughout the Tanach that the Jews prosper in the land of Israel when they adore G-d and remain loyal to the covenant/law, and are dispersed from the land when they adore other gods and do not remain loyal to the covenant/law.

Given the latter, can the former be understood in terms of some significant "repentance" and turn to righteousness by the Jews in terms of loyalty to G-d and his covenant/law?

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