Tuesday 27 December 2016

blessing - What should you do if you accidentally talk between Al Netilas Yadayim and Hamotzi?

Assuming one has the minhag not to speak between netilas yadayim and hamotzi...What should one do if one accidentally speaks during this time?

Should one wash again? With or without a blessing? --Or should one just go straight to HaMotzi?

If the third, is there any kind of (immediate) tikkun one can do?

...I'm wondering because it just happened to me.

Related: Hefsek between netilat yadayim and hamotzi


Even according to the custom of avoiding interrupting between washing and the blessing of HaMotzi, one need not wash again if one spoke or otherwise interrupted as long as the person remained mindful to keep their hands clean during the interim (Mishna B'rura 166:6, English translation):

דע דעיקר דין תכיפה המוזכר בסימן זה הוא רק מצוה לכתחלה אבל בדיעבד אפילו שהה הרבה או הפסיק בינתים אין צריך לחזור וליטול ידיו כל שלא הסיח דעתו בינתים משמירת ידיו


Know that the essence of the law of immediacy that is mentioned in this section of the Shulchan Aruch is only for the ideal (l'chatchila) way to perform the mitzva. However, after the fact, even if he waited a lot or interrupted, he does not need to go back and wash his hands again so long as his attention did not lapse from guarding his hands in the meanwhile.

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