Friday 30 December 2016

jlpt - Difference between とあれば、にあって、とあって

Can someone please explain the difference between

  • とあれば

  • にあって

  • とあって

I've read the explanation from my 新完全マスター book but I'm afraid I don't fully understand the difference in nuance between these grammatical patterns.



「~~あれば」= "if it is for ~~". Think of it as an emphatic form of 「なら」.

「よし[子]{こ}のためとあれば、[死]{し}んでもかまわない。」 = "I would not mind dying it it were for Yoshiko."

You can insert 「もし」 at the beginning of the sentence if you want to.

Occasionally, you will encounter the literary form 「~~とあば」. The form "--aba", instead of "--eba" is heavily used in set phrases such as 「急{いそ}がば回{まわ}れ」 ("Slow and steady wins the race.").

「~~あって」= "during ~~", "in the condition of ~~" Think of it as an emphatic form of 「に」.

「この[非常時]{ひじょうじ}にあっても、キミ子は[冷静]{れいせい}だった。」= "Even during this emergency, Kimiko was calm."

「~~あって」= "because of ~~", "due to the fact that ~~", etc. It expresses the specialness of the occasion.

「5[年]{ねん}に[一度]{いちど}のお[祭]{まつ}りとあって、[誰]{だれ}もが[興奮]{こうふん}していた。」 = "Because it was a once-in-every-five-years festival, everyone was excited."

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