Tuesday 27 December 2016

history - Author of Nishmat kol chai

Who is the author of the prayer "Nishmat kol chai" which is said on Shabbat, Yom Tov, and during the great Hallel at the Seder?


For an In depth discussion of this and many other such topics Listen to this Lecture http://www.yutorah.org/lectures/lecture.cfm/726352/Dr.%20Shnayer%20Leiman/Jewish%20Perspectives%20on%20Early%20Christianity:%20Toldot%20Yeshu

The lecture is an attempt to show that Toldot Yeshu is a much older text than it's first appearance in the 1700s. It explains there that when the Rashi says that the "Romani" have no language, have no alphabet, and other people write their books, he is referring to the idea that R. Shimon set up Latin as the Christian language, created the Christian Bible and otherwise created Christianity to make sure that Jews would not be drawn to it.

The Toldot Yeshu also claims that Nishmat Kol Chai was written by R. Shimon as well. (R. Shimon being Peter)

The Lecturer makes an empahtic point that this is just one Jewish tradition, but that there are others that disagree with it. His main focus was that the tradition is an old one.

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