Wednesday 21 December 2016

hashkafah philosophy - How to choose 'your' rebbi?

When a person is choosing who they will learn from as their rebbi, are there any guidelines or rules that govern the decision making process?

First a definition of what a rebbi is (for the purposes of this question). I am talking about someone who will teach you how to access what the Torah is saying and what value judgments are to be made where. In addition, there is an assumption that although you might end up disagreeing on certain specific points you will adhere to the general hashkaffah and values that the rebbi holds.

According to this understanding my question really is: how can you decide what values and general outlook you should subscribe to (which rabbi should be your rebbi) when the tools necessary for that decision will (seemingly) only be attained after learning Torah, which is greatly influenced by the person who taught you how to learn? Is there some pre-Torah mind value that is to be used?

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