Wednesday, 8 June 2016

numbers - In conversation can you just say "万円です" or must you say "一万円です"?

I'm pretty sure it's natural to say "百{ひゃく}円です" as a casual abbreviation of "一百{いっぴゃく}円です" in a conversation. Same with "千{せん}円" vs. "一千{いっせん}円". This is similar in English conversation where it is ok to say "a/uh hundred yen" instead of "one-hundred yen".

But what about "万円です" and "億円です"? Do both of those also sound natural, or should you only say "一万{いちまん}円です" and "一億{いちおく}円です"?


You must say 「一万円{いちまんえん}です」 and 「一億円{いちおくえん}です」 using the number 「一/1」. It is just a custom we have and adhere to and those customs die hard in any culture.

Saying those two phrases without using 「一/1」 will make one sound very unnatural. If I heard 「まんえん」 by itself without any context, I would definitely think of the word 「蔓延{まんえん}」 ("spread", "prevail", etc.). I would not think of "10,000 yen" at all.

In business, however, we often say 「一千円{いっせんえん}」 to mean "1,000 yen", so that should probably be remembered. Note that 「一」 is pronounced 「いっ」, and not 「いち」 here.

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